Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Me what I ve learn so far is that Tom is a man that is hulking big and that he is very selfish as well. Mrs. Daisy is a woman that is not responsible because she is drinking instead of taking care of her three year old daughter. Mrs. Baker is a woman that seems nice but also a bit crazy as well.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


 What is Genre? Gente is a category of artistic  composition as un music of literature,  characterized by similarities in form style or subject matter

What is the difference between Naturalism, Realism, Modernism.

Naturalism: a style and theory of representation of based on the accurate depiction of detail

Realism: the theory or practice of fidelity in art  or literature to nature or to real life and to accurate representation without idealization

Modernism: modern characters or qualities of thought, expression or technique

Thursday, January 17, 2019

How to get to graced land

                  There are many people in this world that like to read with people because they like to be social with people and and hear their thought and idea opinions and there some that would rather read alone why? because it peaceful, quiet, no to bother you. I' am the type of person that like to read both with and without company because it could beneficial due to the idea you could gather from both parties. learn from each other get thing complete as well.

Bnw essay

In the book of The Brave New Wrold by  Alduos Huxley, it talk about an utopian wrold where most of society had given in In the new culture....