Monday, May 6, 2019

Bnw essay

In the book of The Brave New Wrold by  Alduos Huxley, it talk about an utopian wrold where most of society had given in In the new culture. Human baby's where genticly created in an laboratory so they can modified them. They were tought to hate thing such as books and flowers. Every person the this book are categorized in class which are Alpha or Alphaplus, Beta, Delta, Espion and then we got those in the reservation Which are people that refuse to live the life of the wrold state.

The people in this wrold take a substance called soma which work like alcohol but only it affects are better, fatter and stronger, which can leave  the user numb and forget everything and makes them fell happy. Then we get to meet two people in the book and the are called Benrad and lenina. Benard is a man like the rest of the people in the state wrold but he wants to feel free like live the human experience not feel like being under control . Then we got lenina she is like all women in the state she uses soma to have fun has sex with alot of people, etc bu ly when she has these weird thought and feeling like as if she started to think then she uses sona to try to forget about it.

Forward In The story Benard and lenina got to New Mexico for vacation and to have sex but then they go to the reservation where the people there are old and ugly. Most of the people in the wrold state would call their way of living savage and very primitive as well. Will they were in there they both saw a mother and a baby together and the mom was breast feeding the baby. After what they saw and lenina being disgusted they when to what I remember and a circuit and they were seeing play and act. But then what I can assumed was a person being sacrificed and everyone seeing it.

After that we were introduced to two new other characters which were Linda and John the were both son and mother but to benard and lenina suprises Linda was from the wrold state. After John tells benard his lifes story Benard was to bring them back the wrold state but it wasn't going to be ry that esay because of how John was tought to live in where they were at.onve John and his mother got there Linda ran to a  room and out Tomanikin as being the father of John and John walk up to him and I believe hugged him. After that everybody started laughing at the director for having a child or a son. When John got a glimpse of the new wrold he didn't like what he saw nor the idea they had. So he took it his own hand and try to fix it but could due to his mother being dead cuz she took so much Dona that it killed her. After that John just wanted to be Alone he was given the nickname Saveage and everyone was interested to know him but he didn't. He always wanted to have sex with lenina but he didnt because he always be6thst he was not worthy of her body so everytime he would think of her he would whip himself or jump on razor sharp bushes. But one day they found him and so every one going to see him and so was Linda but he whip himself and her then everyone started to copy him. Later that day John woke up and saw tha th he slept with lenina and felt guilty and ashamed of himself and so he hung himself.

So John is almost like the rest of us we have a mind that we control but we don't use it we sometimes let other people tell us what to do or how to live act,etc. Our mind should be use to make choices in our life control our own life making our own decisions. But most of us wants to blend in society we cool clothes get the news car etc that sometime we forget who we are.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ignite talk

My topic is, is joining the Army beneficial to become a law enforcement. One thing I did over the the break was to see if I can talk to an officer that join the military and became what he is but, for me it wasn't that easy because of my fear of something and that something was either I would get in some serious trouble, or I might end up getting killed. One thing I learn was  that I didn't  have to take this path for a future because that decision was mine to make like In Fahrenheit 451 when Clarisse told Montage why was he a firemen and Motage said that because his father and grandfather was one so he became one but he had a choice to not be one tho just like me. I have other ways in which I can be and officer. What I am going to do next is to research deeper and hopefully be able to talk with someone who chooses this path.

Bnw essay

In the book of The Brave New Wrold by  Alduos Huxley, it talk about an utopian wrold where most of society had given in In the new culture....