Sunday, September 30, 2018


 Both story has you thinking if everything in life is a dream that one day you'll wake up and start wondering if everything that you just dreamed of was real or not. Today I am going to be comparing a story called Young Goodman Brown and a poem called A Dream within a Dream comparing these two there similar on some ways for example, Young Goodman started out with a lot of faith because he had his faith (both faith and his wife who happen to be called faith) and that all he really need in his life and the poem also tell something similar and that is that one day you wake with faith and feeling you can do many things why because you have faith, hope but then you slowly start to lose it why because their some people you look up it could be anyone you mom, dad, sister, Brother, celebrity it can be anyone until you find out who they really are and you lose faith in them no longer any trust between you and that person you so admire why because you lost hope(faith) in them and that exactly what happened to Young Goodman Brown his caticisiom teacher, the prist, including his wife he lost faith in them and to his self because they were the people he admired, who he love he lost everything both his wife and faith because they were worshiping the devil and they taught Goodman Brown to be some one holy pure of heart and to devote his life to good and those he love they were the examples who he had admire and those who you admire could also be two person in one l, for example inthe day the person who you admire could be someone cheerful have many friend be loved by many but at night they can be the complete opposite of who they someone hateful with drugs addiction or an abuser another example could be Bill Cosby he was a man who man love he was also know as the father of the U.S (I think) but people lost hope when he was accused for sexual assault to his female coworkers how? Well he drugged them and when they were unconscious he abused of them after that people lost faith in who he really was know you see a different part him and he is no longer the Bill Cosby we knew and love. In both poem and story you and Young Goodman Brown wake up that you and he start wondering if everything you just dreamed of was real or not you dont know why because you lost faith (well if the the "dream" was that bad) that is all for today thank you for your time and have a good night or evening wherever your from 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

      Instie plans vocab of young good-                       men brown

Forsooth: indeed

Cognizance: knowledge, awareness, or notice.  

Gloomist: dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening

Blasphemera person who mocks or derides a deity or religion, or claims to be God. 

Deacon: an ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest.

     Response for young good man brown

I feel that Young Goodman Brown is going to experience a curse because they came across a woman and in my head I think of a witch nothing else if the man is the devil then is women is a witch

                 Conscience of a hacker

So I read this story that talk about how being a hacker is bad. It make you a criminal but in the story its a young boy that is curious to uncover the secret that this world hide. Why because the thing that the teaches you is the same thing over and over again well you get bored and you want to try something new find something that's worth wasting your time in life. But at the same time I never knew that finding something to occupy you self such as finding the truth to your question can get you arrested and put in jail. Since when was finding a j.g e truth to you question illegal. Sometime you have look at it from a different view and experience it your self and then you can judge it. But getting arrested for finding and spreading the truth to every on is illegall then I ask myself what is America hiding from us. I don't know they maybe found the cure for cancer and it only for the rich who knows I'll let you be the judge of that 

                 Making of a essay

The first time I wrote an essay was way back then like heck I don't even remember when emwas my essay but an essay is not just five paragraphs in a sheet of paper it more then that. You could talk about anything and if it interesting you might make an essay about and not even realize about and an essay is not something that you give to your teacher to get a grade for it it more showing people that you can think that you are smart and not dump like I said an essay is not about a piece of paper with five paragraphs on it 


 So today I learn something don't mess around in class because your teacher will make the rest of you life in that class a living hell. Believe me when I say that today
My teacher was not going to put up with our sh*t because students enter class late, he get interrupt by talking students and he didn't care and he said I dont care if you fail or not he want to help us succeed and we dont take advantage of the opportunity and we might just fail this 1 semester, well not me I am going drop the  my barrier of asking questions of help and man up and get my sh*t together i mean i am a f**king junior for christ sake and I need to start thing about my future and i just got one more to go and make my name be the first in my family graduate and move on to a college that what I learn to day dont ever mess with your teacher because the stuff that comes out of their mouth could be a life lesson sometime 

                       I am GSD

I am those type of people that get stuff done and at the same time not, for example I don't so my work that need to be done some time I even wait to the last minute to finish everything like right now I am trying to finish my blog because I am behind but I'll get it done eventually. 

                    How I learn

The way i learn best is mostly hand on like work on a car or construction technically working with my hand and getting them dirty sometimes this is one of the way I learn and the other is also visual learning to.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

        The right to your opinion

So I read something like an article and it talked about the right to your opinions. We all have our opinions about something wither the moon landing was faked or not and other thing that people give you a different answer from the same topic but an opinion is what you think it not the correct answer nor the truths but just a thought and there will be some one that will apose to your thought and try to change it but you can't let that happen so you are going to defend your opinion


The story of Young Goodman Brown is about a man whose wife happenes to named faith and Young Goodman Brown left her (no he did not walk out on her) to go to the forest and meet a an old man who the stroy reference him as the devil and then they crossed pass with a old woman (I think it was an old woman) and every time Young Goodman said he's not taking another step he keep walking. But then at the end of the story he woke up in the middle in the wood. Then later on in the story he dies. But thinking about it, was it all a dream I think it is I can't really explain it well because the story has double meaning under it that why 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

              Earth on turtle back

This story was very interesting because not only was the story interesting it also had meaning to like a life lesson one. The moral of this story is that if you have a dream go for it until you succeed and dont give up you will give everything you have to something in order to succeed until you break. This story is something we should say to our child and our grandchildren as something they have to learn in life which is they should not give up on life nor on there dreams to accomplish it

Monday, September 17, 2018

              Reflect on Richard Cory 

The poem of Richared Cory talks about a man That is well educated and very wealthy and many people wants to be like him. But one summer evening he went to his office and grabbed a gun and shot himself in the head in this part of the poem wash shocking and left us wondering why he shot himself. He was wealthy I mean very very wealthy and he could have anything he ever wanted but what made him shoot himself in the head. Now that I am thinking about it the poem never said that he was married nor did he had a family, maybe he shot himself because he was lonely no one to talk to and also he couldn't buy happiness maybe that the reason why he shoot himself l. Now look at it in the real world most people have everything that they could ever wish for but happiness, love both these emotions are something that money can't but it something you fill and of that person is lonely with no one to talk to well it well lead to depression then if not treated death. At the end, this is just a reflection on many reasons why Richard shot himself.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Socratic Method 

The socratic method is like another way to find the answer to any of the questions you and I may have, but the way this method was built to work is completely different then what I've been taught. What I've been taught was like do it like this and this bit the method was built to make the dumbest, simplest thing and make it have a whole different meaning. Correct me if ok am wrong because I am just a teen who is still stupid and I am still learning about this. This is the way I see this method many of you have a different opinion about this which is fine with me and you guys want to correct me on this please do tell me what am I doing wrong.

Bnw essay

In the book of The Brave New Wrold by  Alduos Huxley, it talk about an utopian wrold where most of society had given in In the new culture....