Tuesday, October 30, 2018

                         Essay on Self-Reliance

        The title Self-reliance speaks of the the who story that Emerson tells us the story is more like being able to self understand your self and accepting who you really are no matter of race, skin, religion. The story also say that "Thy lot or portion of life," said the Caliph Ali, "is seeking after thee; therefore be at rest from seeking after it." This quote is trying to say is that instead of finding who you are in life or what you are wanting to be just let life it self came towards you and tell you who you are and the diction you moke are your own consequence either good or bad consequences. 
      The main topic of the story is that their is no one In life that can control your life for their own personal gain or comfort why because you the one whole can control your own body, it your you're in is and so is  a soul in there. All those time you looked up to someone or something have you ever wonder in they done or still do the thing that they told us not to do, but for example rapper influenced young people in so many ways that the teens even adult and little kid listened to them and get influenced. The young kids would say I want to to be him because he oh s like this and this but that bot what Emerson wants he want you to follow your own dream not what other people accomplish he wants you to go and accomplish you own success. 
        Using the idea that Emerson is giving us can really help us in life like being able to stay positive without have people that are bad influence for us. The qoute that he say "Most men gamble with her, and gain all, and lose all, as her wheel rolls." This quote say that there are many people that pla ugh with their life not like drug or stupid stunts but more like the diction other people make for you you're giving you right to freedom to someone else rather than yourself by not being able to live a life without restrain holding you back in life in a cage doing the same thing over and over till you die 
        The point to this story is that Don't let anyone that is not yourself tell you what to do you're in charge of your life you decide what happen to you not any one else. How by cutting out the restrain for them ne free and explor life the way you want to live it and in joy it l. This why I agree with Emerson story on Self-Reliance 

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